Results Of The SportsTalkATL Bowl Game Pickem

We picked all of the bowl games this season (You can see the picks here:  and here are the results and notes of the picks from our writers (not including the National Championship):

1. Jake Gordon: 31-8

2. Chase Irle: 27-12

3. Mike Arkin: 25-14

4. Harrison Coburn: 22-17


The race was really close this year, but it came down to a few key games to decide a winner:

  • Jake and Mike rolled the dice on Houston, and won a big game
  • The 4 games that we all 4 flopped on: Utah State over Akron,  Memphis over Auburn, Georgia State over San Jose State, and Colorado State over Nevada
  • 3 of us picked Cincinnati, and they took a HUGE loss. Same with UCLA
  • Mike and Harrison both picked Texas Tech
  • We were all correct in picking Alabama
  • Harrison was the riverboat gambler of the group, picking against everyone else to gain an edge
  • Jake was the only writer to pick Clemson to beat Oklahoma
  • We agreed and all won on 14 games, pretty impressive.




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