Former Falcons QB Matt Schaub condemns Washington Commanders for latest scandal

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Matt Schaub played in the NFL for 16 seasons, seven of which came with the Falcons. A former two-time Pro Bowler and longtime backup, he is a highly respected player around the league. So when he condemns the latest money stealing scandal by the Washington Commanders, folks listen.

This latest issue surrounding Dan Snyder might be the one that finally results in the rest of the owners forcing him to sell the franchise. They could deal with sexual misconduct in the workplace, but these billionaires will not forgive being lied to and stolen from.

The U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee is exploring potential financial improprieties within the organization. According to the Washington Post, the Committee sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission regarding allegations that the team may have withheld as much as $5 million in refundable deposits from season-ticket holders and that the team may have hidden cash that was to be shared by all NFL franchises.

A former employee of the team, Jason Freidman, told the Committee that the organization kept two sets of books — one of which was underreporting ticket revenue to the league. But this is separate from the alleged scam to keep security deposits from season-ticket holders.

Friedman, according to the letter, “provided the Committee with information and documents indicating that the Commanders routinely withheld security deposits that should have been returned to customers who had purchased multiyear season tickets for specific seats, referred to as seat leases,” and that “team executives directed employees to establish roadblocks to prevent customers from obtaining the security deposits they were due — effectively allowing the team to retain that money.”

Whether there will be an investigation by local prosecutors and the league is still up in the air; however, it is long overdue for the league to rid itself of Daniel Snyder.

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