Robert Alford reveals soul-crushing truth about the Falcons Super Bowl collapse

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Falcons fans cannot escape the greatest meltdown in sports history, the Super Bowl blunder in which Atlanta surrendered a 28-3 lead, and new details have emerged that will have fans sick to their stomach.  Robert Alford made an admission to his new teammate Malcolm Butler; the Falcons were celebrating in the locker room at halftime, per NESN.

“I talked to him about (that Super Bowl), I asked him if he wanted his ring back,” Butler joked in an interview with 12 News’ Ryan Cody. “He told me a story, he said he was in the locker room at halftime, he told me he was about to pop a bottle and things like that, it was so funny. And we came back and beat them.

“I’m just imagining him at halftime. Robert, he’s a funny guy, he’s got a lot of energy, tells a lot of jokes, and he told me at halftime they were in there dancing and hooraying, then we came back and beat them, so I think that was pretty funny.”

Things really couldn’t get worse for this fan base. As someone who isn’t emotionally invested in the Falcons, I feel bad for the fans (sort of). This is the exact reason why Bill Belichick and Tom Brady were able to complete the comeback for the ages. They don’t lose focus… ever. Dan Quinn is the one who should get the finger pointed at him because any decent head coach would’ve reigned in his players when he saw them celebrating AT HALFTIME. I have literally never heard of something like this happening. It is pathetic this even took place. The Falcons never deserved to win that Super Bowl, and Quinn should have been fired right after the game.

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